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銀行 Banking

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基本單字 Basic Vocabulary

餘額 - Balance


對帳單 - Bank Statement

/bangk steyt-muhnt/

自動取款機 - ATM

/ey t em/

在銀行 At the Bank

信用卡 - Credit Card

/kred-it kahrd/

借記卡 - Debit Card

/deb-it kahrd/

支票 - Check


支票簿 - Checkbook


現金 - Cash


轉錢 - Transfer Money

/trans-fer muhn-ee/

存錢 - Deposit Money

/dih-poz-it muhn-ee/

取錢 - Withdraw Money

/with-draw muhn-ee/

貸款 - Loan


利息 - Interest


費用 - Expense


保險 - Insurance


稅 - Tax


帳戶 Account Types

銀行帳戶 - Bank Account

/bangk uh-kount/

支票帳戶 - Checking Account

/chek-ing uh-kount/

儲蓄帳戶 - Saving Account

/sey-ving uh-kount/

例句 Example Sentences

我需要從銀行取錢。I need to take money out of the bank.

我想取消我的一個銀行帳戶。I want to cancel one of my bank accounts.

我想從我的銀行賬戶取錢。I would like to withdraw money from my bank account.

我想註冊一張新信用卡。I would like to register a new credit card.

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